Violent Criminal Acts & Actors
“Violent criminal actors don’t think like we do and often suffer from anti-social personality disorder lacking any empathy for others, especially their victims. They are only interested in fulfilling their own needs, which often consist of things their victims have, and the personal satisfaction (and excitement) they get from causing others to suffer pain.”
– William Aprill
This 37-year-old male subject, on June 7 at 7 PM, attacked this single mother at a gas pump, while others watched, a day after he attacked a 63 y.o. Woman in the same area.
Police described this subject as a 6-foot-tall, 300-350-pound male on parole at the time of the two attacks, suffers from schizophrenia and has a violent criminal history. His mother reportedly said he hasn’t been taking his medication.
For consideration after watching this video:
Acknowledge this kind of thing can happen to you.
Decide beforehand to take your safety into your own hands vs. living in denial or choosing to remain ignorant about violence.
You’re responsible for your safety.
The police won’t be there in time.
Bystander apathy is real; other people won’t help you.
Movement is a survival skill. Unless inside a car or an elevator, we usually control our ability to move. Simply staying out of contact distance, when possible, from those you don’t know can go a long way.
Assume unknown contacts are a potential threat to your safety vs. projecting your morals onto those you don’t know.
You don’t know them; you don’t owe them anything; there’s nothing wrong with choosing to be friendly to strangers from a position of safety or time of your choosing. Nobody is keeping track but you.
It’s better to be safe and wrong about someone than injured or dead because you expect them to share your morals or follow societal ethics.
The best time to start is before something terrible happens.