Controlling Personal Space Encroachment into your personal space by an unknown contact should always be considered a potential threat. A standard operating procedure (SOP) is step-by-step instructions to follow for a specific circumstance. Consider the following SOP to… Continue Reading →
Victim Selection Look ⬇️ Choose ⬇️ Stalk ⬇️ Close ⬇️ Attack (credit Steve Tarani, Prefense – The 90% Advantage, 2014 Predators, animals, and humans follow the same process of victim selection to attack. Awareness is the… Continue Reading →
Personal Security Hacks People go their entire lives without experiencing or being the victims of a crime, as it should be. However, it doesn’t mean it can’t happen or won’t happen. Personal Security training is like car insurance; most people… Continue Reading →
Firearms Safety Rule 3 Firearms Safety Rule 3: Keep your finger off the trigger until sights are on target and you’ve made a conscious decision to shoot. But, where should it be when off the trigger? Were you taught a definitive… Continue Reading →
Shotgun Ammo for Home Defense Before reading any further be sure to catch up on Part 1 of this series. Buckshot Buckshot in its many forms is the industry standard for self-defense. The devastating “saturation effect” of nine pellets of… Continue Reading →
Shotgun Ammo for Home Defense Context of Use The circumstances in which a civilian may employ a shotgun are likely to be different from how a law enforcement officer or military operator uses that same gun. As a civilian, the… Continue Reading →
Small Fixed Blade Knives for Every Day Carry *Please note, it is your responsibility to know and understand the laws regarding carrying a knife. This post is for information purposes only. There are a number of affordable, easy to conceal, easy… Continue Reading →
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