Recommended Reading on Firearms
Here is a list of some recommended reading and favorites from my collection. This list is for firearms only: pistol, shotgun, carbine, and concealed carry from various authors.
The Strategies of Low Light
Green Eyes & Black Rifles
Stay in the Fight!
The Farnham Method of Defensive Shotgun & Rifle Shooting
Combative Fundamentals: An Unconventional Approach
Combative Fundamentals: Pistol Edition
Combative Fundamentals: Carbine Edition
The Farnham Method of Defensive Handgun Shooting
The Book of Two Guns
The Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry
Gun Digest Book of Concealed Carry Vol 2
Fight at Night
Practical Shooting
Stressfire Vol. 1
The Gun Digest Book of Combat Handgunnery
Stressfire Vol. 2
The Defensive Shotgun
Hit or Myth
Tactical Reality
More Tactical Reality
Guns, Bullets and Gunfights
Jim Cirillo’s Tales of the Stakeout Squad
Carbine and Shotgun Speed Shooting
Combat Rifle Marksmanship Exercises
Tactical Shotgun
The Combat Shotgun and Submachine Gun
Police Shotgun Manual
The Art of the Rifle
The Tactical Pistol
Building Shooters
The Snubby Revolver
Gun Digest Book of the Revolver
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