The RISC Model developed by Chris Fry & William Aprill
-Rapid Risk Assessment
-Security & Safety
Police are referred to as first responders because they respond when something bad happens. This means the bad thing, the violence, is happening or has already happened and may be done. This is how the system is set up. Violence occurs, someone contacts 9-1-1 and police respond. Action and reaction; this is often too late for those experiencing the violence.
Rarely are people proactive about personal security and safety. The majority of people who seek this kind of information do so AFTER experiencing a violent incident. Most want to believe that crime and violence don’t or won’t happen in their city, town, neighborhood, work, or home. Hoping it will never happen or denying the existence of life-threatening violence is reactive and being reactive is rarely an effective survival strategy.
We pay for car insurance, flood insurance, home insurance and buy fire extinguishers in case something bad happens. The RISC Model provides a rapid assessment of personal safety risk and a few easy-to-implement tactics to help prevent someone(s) bad happening to you or those you care about. Take responsibility for your security and safety now.
What Threats?
We break possible threats of violence into three categories:
Social Violence
Social Predatory Violence
Predatory Violence
Social Violence is about ego, status, and control. It is usually perpetrated by someone known to you or someone you have met. Social violence is more common and less lethal than predatory violence. Alcohol is commonly associated with social violence. Examples of this type of violence include conflicts with someone in an establishment that serves alcohol or work environments. Of all the personal security and safety tactics available, maturity is the best way to avoid social violence.
Social Predatory Violence is about control. It is usually perpetrated by someone known to you or someone you have or had a relationship with (intimate partner violence) even after a single date. Social predatory violence may involve both mental and physical violence. Examples of this type of violence include domestic abuse, stalking, and date rape. As many as 1 in 4 women in the U.S. are victims of domestic abuse and ~7.5 million people (men and women) are victims of stalking. Social predatory violence can become lethal when the situation or relationship is terminated abruptly. Because of this, planning the termination of a relationship that involves domestic violence should be an internal or highly compartmentalized process. Self-awareness and situational awareness are the best tactics to avoid social predatory violence. Many involved in this type of situation don’t see it, don’t want to admit it or feel trapped and unable to break free. (If you need help immediately contact the Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-733 or visit
Predatory Violence is about resources and or control. Resources may include money, jewelry, a car, or you. You could be the resource they want. Predatory crime is often perpetrated by someone unknown to you. These types of violence tend to be more lethal and involve the use of weapons and drugs by the perpetrator. Luckily, these types of violence are less common than social and social predatory violence. Examples of predatory violence include robbery, rape, kidnapping, assault, and terror.
Rapid Personal Risk Assessment
Are you being threatened, stalked, or abused?
Have you been a victim of an attempted stalking, domestic abuse, physical aggression, or violent crime?
Do you live in work in or travel through dangerous areas? (Areas where there are consistent reports of crime or violence)
Do you work in a business where cash is on hand and exchanged with customers?
Do you follow the same “routine” or route to and from work or other common destinations every day?
Do you frequently exercise run or walk outside alone?
Do you walk around with earbuds listening to music and looking at your phone when in public places?
Do you work in or frequent (more than once a week) establishments that serve alcohol?
Do you “check-in” on social media (FB, Snapchat, IG) advertising your location?
Do you leave your cell phone location settings and camera photo “Geo-Tagging” on all the time?
Are you frightened of someone in your life (home, work, school, socially) but not sure why?
Rate your self-esteem on a scale of 1-10.
1-5= a YES, 6-10= a NO
Add up the number of YES answers you had (1 out of 12 or 3 out of 12 etc) and that is your RISC score. The higher the score the higher your risk may be. Once you’ve completed this assessment have a trusted friend complete it FOR YOU and compare the results. This rapid assessment is not all-encompassing. These questions are broad-spectrum providing a decent assessment of personal risk based on the types of violence outlined above.
If your RISC score is high continue taking responsibility for your security & safety by studying and utilizing the Threat Management Tactics coming in Part2.
If your RISC score is low it doesn’t mean violence can’t or won’t find you it simply means you are doing well. Take a moment and consider adding some of the Threat Management Tactics that will be outlined in Part2.
For a better understanding or in individualized training and consultation:
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