Firearms Safety Rule 3
Firearms Safety Rule 3: Keep your finger off the trigger until sights are on target and you’ve made a conscious decision to shoot. But, where should it be when off the trigger?
Were you taught a definitive place to put your finger when not on the trigger? Does it matter?
A fundamental of safe gun handling is developing consistent trigger finger placement when sights are off-target. Inconsistent trigger finger placement can quickly become a safety issue once movement, stress, or other modifiers are introduced to the shooter. This may seem like common sense or rudimentary however shooters on ranges exhibit inconsistency with this all the time.
Consistent gun handling is a sign of someone you want to shoot with, hunt with, or partner with. Inconsistent gun handling is a sign of someone to be avoided.
Four examples of common trigger finger placement:
1a+b) Finger along guard, note in 1b how you can see finger through the guard. NOT recommended. Startle response may lead to finger in trigger guard when not intended and straight finger can be easily injured if gun grabbed by a close-range attacker.
2a+b) The Ayoob “Trigger Finger Off” technique. Finger bent and placed on the frame. Above trigger guard and bent to prevent injury if grabbed.
3a+b) Gomez “Hard Register” technique. Finger in the ejection port, bent slightly, pressing inward. Again, above the trigger guard and bent to prevent injury if grabbed.
4a+b) High Frame Index technique; finger straight along the slide of the handgun.
Pick one, practice it and use it consistently when handling firearms. For defensive purposes, most of us will be handling our firearms way more than shooting them.
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