Hierarchical Training, Standards, and Self-Evaluation By Chris Fry (12/6/2012) Shoot, stab, strike, grapple, impact, illuminate, parry, tourniquet, challenge, diffuse, run or lift. The combatarts for a well-rounded practitioner, C.C.W. holder, officer, or operator comprise numerous disciplines and sub-disciplines. How… Continue Reading →
Controlling Personal Space Encroachment into your personal space by an unknown contact should always be considered a potential threat. A standard operating procedure (SOP) is step-by-step instructions to follow for a specific circumstance. Consider the following SOP to… Continue Reading →
Victim Selection Look ⬇️ Choose ⬇️ Stalk ⬇️ Close ⬇️ Attack (credit Steve Tarani, Prefense – The 90% Advantage, 2014 Predators, animals, and humans follow the same process of victim selection to attack. Awareness is the… Continue Reading →
Violent Criminal Acts & Actors “Violent criminal actors don’t think like we do and often suffer from anti-social personality disorder lacking any empathy for others, especially their victims. They are only interested in fulfilling their own needs, which often… Continue Reading →
A weakness of the Glock M.O.S. (modular optic system) is the need for an adapter plate for the optic you mount. The red dot specific plate requires two screws to attach the adapter to the handgun and two additional screws… Continue Reading →
Directed Vision The eyes provide us with information, screening out what’s non-essential and processing information our minds think is essential at the moment. Very little of the eye is the high-resolution fovea, central eye, responsible for directed vision and… Continue Reading →
An “instructor” has a responsibility to stay proficient via studying new material to keep current, training with other instructors, and practicing. I won’t ask you to do something I won’t do myself. It’s crucial that I demo each drill in… Continue Reading →
Recommended Reading on Firearms Here is a list of some recommended reading and favorites from my collection. This list is for firearms only: pistol, shotgun, carbine, and concealed carry from various authors. The Strategies of Low Light Green… Continue Reading →
Personal Security Hacks People go their entire lives without experiencing or being the victims of a crime, as it should be. However, it doesn’t mean it can’t happen or won’t happen. Personal Security training is like car insurance; most people… Continue Reading →
Three Fixed Blades Under $100 Due to the many requests for buying recommendations stemming from my Small Fixed Blades for Everyday Carry article, here are a few good options if you are in the market. There are a lot of different brands, manufacturers,… Continue Reading →
The RISC Model developed by Chris Fry & William Aprill -Rapid Risk Assessment -Intuition -Security & Safety -Control Police are referred to as first responders because they respond when something bad happens. This means the bad thing, the violence, is happening… Continue Reading →
Likely Threats Burglary is defined as entry into a building illegally with the intent to commit a crime, especially theft. The average burglary lasts 8-12 minutes. Within the first 1-3 minutes intruders are in the master bedroom of the home… Continue Reading →
Firearms Safety Rule 3 Firearms Safety Rule 3: Keep your finger off the trigger until sights are on target and you’ve made a conscious decision to shoot. But, where should it be when off the trigger? Were you taught a definitive… Continue Reading →
Shotgun Ammo for Home Defense Before reading any further be sure to catch up on Part 1 of this series. Buckshot Buckshot in its many forms is the industry standard for self-defense. The devastating “saturation effect” of nine pellets of… Continue Reading →
Shotgun Ammo for Home Defense Context of Use The circumstances in which a civilian may employ a shotgun are likely to be different from how a law enforcement officer or military operator uses that same gun. As a civilian, the… Continue Reading →
Reinforce Exterior Doors One quick and easy home defense upgrade is to reinforce exterior home doors. Home & Family Defense A home defense plan should be layered and may comprise several phases to include the 4 Ds: Discourage Detect Deny… Continue Reading →
The M16, M4, AR15 family of carbines are highly reliable when maintained properly. However, I still see consistent issues with proper cleaning and maintenance of these firearms. Here are a few general guidelines to follow to ensure reliable function and… Continue Reading →
Rapid response time is critical in a home invasion or burglary situation. People buy guns for “home defense” but never consider how fast something like this may occur. See this article for some info on how home invasion burglaries unfold:… Continue Reading →
Choosing A Flashlight for Every Day Carry Here are some considerations for buying an every day carry light for personal defense. How the light will be used falls into three general categories for most of us. Light Usage 1) Navigation – Moving through… Continue Reading →
Gun Belts, Options and Alternatives Gun belts are an important piece of every day carry (EDC) kit which can sometimes be overlooked or glossed over. A good gun belt should be comfortable, sturdy and compatible with a variety of clothing choices. A… Continue Reading →
Shotgun Patterning Considerations Shotgun Patterning Considerations Understanding and knowing the “pattern” your shotgun prints on target is essential to defensive shotgun usage. Various distances, various loads, and various guns will all produce different patterns on target. Some loads such as… Continue Reading →
Probably the single biggest mistake of carrying concealed (guns and knives) is “picking.” Frequent touching or adjusting the firearm; done mainly as a reassuring gesture or adjusting after changing a position from sitting to standing. To prevent this, the concealed… Continue Reading →
Choosing a Neck Knife *Please note, it is your responsibility to know and understand the laws regarding carrying a knife. This post is for information purposes only. I’ve carried a small fixed blade neck knife from time to time…. Continue Reading →
MDTS Designed and Raven Concealment Systems produced ModuLoader Pocket Shield Information and User Guide. Get the ModuLoader Pocket Shield here. Share this…FacebookLinkedin
William is a close personal friend and someone I consider a mentor. We are co-teaching a course titled Defensive Fundamentals: Mindset & Technique. Here is a clip from one of his soon to be released PDN DVD’s. He covers this… Continue Reading →
Optimizing the Defensive Shotgun The shotgun is a formidable, relatively cheap, and extremely effective home defense firearm if set up properly and the end-user understands the platform’s positive and negative attributes. Shotguns are extremely common however not all shotguns are… Continue Reading →
Small Fixed Blade Knives for Every Day Carry *Please note, it is your responsibility to know and understand the laws regarding carrying a knife. This post is for information purposes only. There are a number of affordable, easy to conceal, easy… Continue Reading →
There are a number of excellent folding knife options available today. I prefer and advocate the carry of a small fixed blade for a number of reasons which, if you have been to one of our knife classes, you have… Continue Reading →
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